LCE’s Logistics Team Helps Update Part Supply Data for Mission-Critical Systems

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The Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) provides research, development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, engineering, systems integration, in-service engineering and fleet support. This work is supplemented by cybersecurity, comprehensive logistics, and life-cycle savings through commonality for surface and undersea vehicle machinery, ship systems, equipment and material. One of four division focus areas, the Machinery Research, Logistics and Ship Integrity Department is responsible for all Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), which includes Planned Maintenance System (PMS), Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS), training, commonality, obsolescence, provisioning and all machinery research and development.

Outdated Tech Manuals and Part Lists Create Supply Discrepancies and Downtime for Ship Systems

Ten years after the first LPD-17 ship class hull was commissioned in 2006, the supply support for the main propulsion diesel engine (MPDE) and the ship service diesel generator (SSDG) had become substantially outdated and required an overhaul. The technical manuals and allowance parts lists provided out-of-date part numbering and quantity callouts which differed from the current Navy supply system. These discrepancies caused increased downtime for the MPDE and SSDG. Since these assets were mission-critical, extended downtime could mean a delay in ship deployment.

Intensive Logistics Reviews Resolve Discrepancies and Reduce Downtime

To mitigate these issues, the Program Office determined re-provisioning efforts were required for both systems. Life Cycle Engineering’s logistics experts were tasked with assisting NSWCPD with updating the logistics to resolve discrepancies. In 2015 the LCE team reviewed the MPDE’s logistics, followed by the SSDG in 2016.

The MPDE re-provisioning effort was initially spear-headed by a NSWCPD ILS lead with LCE providing assistance, but due to position changes within NSWCPD, LCE was asked to take on more of a leadership role. During both efforts, LCE logistics experts met with ILS leads, in-service engineering agents, and representatives of the Defense Logistics Agency and the Naval Supply Systems Command. Over a two-week period LCE reviewed technical manuals, allowance parts lists and the Planned Maintenance System. LCE team members were instrumental in leading discussions and resolving each discrepancy. After completing the reviews, the LCE team consolidated a list of open actions and disseminated it to appropriate parties for action. To ensure continued progress, LCE followed up every month with all applicable parties until the majority of the actions were complete. As a result of their diligence, 235 MPDE action items and 378 SSDG action items were resolved, significantly increasing the efficiency of repairs for those items impacted by their review.

To learn more about LCE’s ongoing naval support,
visit the Integrated Logistics Support web page.