Smart Manufacturing: Trends, ROI, and Challenges

Season 2 Episode 6 of Get Smartr Podcast – an LCE Podcast

Host Tara Holwegner sits down with Limuel Sagadraca, VP of RCG at LCE, to explore the ever-evolving landscape of digital manufacturing trends and their impact on business outcomes.

In this episode, we discuss prioritizing initiatives with proven ROI in Industry 4.0. Limuel highlights why flashy trends often fail and common challenges in adopting smart manufacturing. Explore strategies to overcome these hurdles and ensure successful adoption. Plus, we’ll look ahead to upcoming trends and staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of smart manufacturing.

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on smart manufacturing trends and their impact on business outcomes.

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Related articles:

70% of Digital Transformation Projects Fail. How do You Beat the Odds?

Improving Digital Deployment Success by Getting Back to Basics

A previous podcast episode:

Exploring the Future of Lights out Manufacturing

The Get Smartr podcast brings together industrial asset management, engineering, reliability, maintenance, operations, human performance, and change management professionals and thought leaders for in-depth discussions and knowledge sharing of best practices for improving operational performance.

Each episode features interviews with Life Cycle Engineering’s subject matter experts, plus insights from past and current clients, executives, partners, and industry thought leaders. Through our episodes, listeners will gain a holistic view of how to achieve a “smart culture” that is foundational to improving performance, reducing risk, and engaging employees.


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